Project: To empower women to support their own families,
build good support systems in their communities and become
politically relevant role players within their regions.
Women gather in small groups where the focus of each group is on financial savings and management, social support and political relevance. eThembeni teams assist with training on the Self Help Group model, Micro Business Management, Soya Production faming (a crop that is highly sought after and well-paid), Soil Management, and other modules that contribute to family health like Family Values.
As soon as the groups are established, they form clusters in the same community. The clusters support the groups and work on income generation, problem solving and mentoring. Established clusters form wider Associations, where political relevance is encouraged. Groups are mentored by trained facilitators who are themselves trained and monitored by a full time staff member. |
94 women's self help groups 7 communities impacted 1546 women actively participating IN 2018 11 new self help groups formed 36 functioning food gardens 3 new early childhood development centres built by the groups 1 group generated income through soy processing |
This is what we do...
Changing the world one girl at a time: dignity, belonging and purpose
eThembeni has implemented a programme designed by The Dignity Campaign which seeks to see young people find their identity, belonging and purpose in God. Through group discussions and creative activities, girls can evaluate what they believe about themselves, identify the voices they are listening to and make a choice to embrace our God-given identity. Emphasis is placed on the value of being part of a sisterhood.
The programme also includes sessions on puberty, feminine hygiene and menstrual management. The girls are introduced to the use of the menstrual cup and washable panties and pads and receive a free sustainable menstrual product of their choice. This has been a life changing intervention for many women (young and old). eThembeni is also teaching women to make their own reusable sanitary products. |
How can you get involved & make a difference?
CAN YOU SUPPORT US?Funding plays a large role in how many people we can employ - but as the project grows from strength to strength, more hands are needed.
Donate to the ongoing costs of this project today, and sow some hope! |
CAN YOU FILL OUR WISH LIST?We currently need the following:
GET INVOLVED!Be part of our team and get hands-on! Drop us an email and join us for the day/week!
Please pray for rain - the ongoing drought has taken a devastating toll on farming. |
The self help group project held a competition evaluating the administrative and book keeping skills of the women groups. I was privileged to hand out the prizes. I have great appreciation of what the SHG project has done for skill development in disadvantaged communities. - Councilor Mathebulu, eMaswazini, Bergville.
Thank you to our partners! |
ACAT, South African Learning and Transformation Alliance (SALT), BijzondereNoden, Prisma (MFS2 Netherlands), Foundations for Farming, Edamame Soya, Eden Foundation, Sinamandla, GWIM 62,CEDPA, Usizo, KZN CMD Family Preservation, American Peace Corps, Family Impact, Durban Overall, CMD uThukela (Supervision), DSD (Salary staff).